Today, however, the office was really empty. Besides me, only the receptionist, a sales guy, and a systems engineer were there. Everybody else was either off or "working from home". Needless to say, I also decided to "work from home".
I left work really early and came home to do some laundry and kitchen cleaning. (Hey, that is work, right?) After getting all the laundry done I took Devon to the dog park to let him play a bit. He had a blast!

The picture above was actually taken a couple of weekends ago, at Sunol Regional Wilderness. It's the most recent doggie picture I have, though.
Anyway, at the dog park Devon played with Bosley the rhodesian ridgeback, Cole the flat-haired retriever, Freddie the boston terrier, Delia the king charles spaniel, and Shyla the golden retriever mix. It's so much fun to watch the dogs running around and wrestling with one another.
Bill stopped by for a bit, too. Devon always seems to spot him from a mile away, and starts running towards him like there was no tomorrow. Funcomealive.
I'm so glad that there's a dog park near where we live. How near? Uhm... kitty corner from my building, so it's less than 500 feet away from my front door. Jealous yet? :)