It was a pretty good meal. The salad was really good, although a bit lacking in salt. The chicken was also good, but the asparagus was quite stringy. The red bell pepper soup was nice and refreshing. I think it would have been much better served cold, but even warm it was quite good.
Yesterday (Saturday) my friend Tim called and asked if I would come with him to the mall because he needed to buy new shades, and he wanted someone there to give him opinions. I said okay, even though I myself can't pick out shades to save my life. The last pair I bought for myself were picked out by my metrosexual brother.
Anyway, Tim came over and we first walked over to Gordon Biersch to have lunch. We then went to the mall and checked out each and every eyewear store before he finally decided on a pair of shades that he liked. Afterwards, we came back to my place to pick up Sheddy von Stinkelstein, and all of us went to the Palo Alto Baylands Nature Preserve to walk around. Tim wanted to go hiking, but I flatly refused because it was way too hot for any sort of uphill/downhill trekking.

It was a nice, windy day out at the preserve. The sun was shining brightly, but thanks to the wind it never got too hot. Which was a good thing, too, because we ended up walking a lot farther than anticipated. I picked out a trail that I thought was gonna loop around from one trailhead to another. But as we approached what I thought was the other trailhead, it became obvious that we ended up someplace else. So we had to turn around and walk all the way back, doubling the intended walking distance.
It's a good thing that I brought lots of water for Doggles. He was a thirsty beast! The poor thing must've been hungry, too, because he was totally scarfing down whatever treats I gave him like each was his last meal on earth! So cute. I love my doggie.
I was thinking about the times Bill and I walked around this preserve. We always seemed to end up exactly where we intended to go. Is he that much more skilled as a navigator than I am? Or is he just really good at pretending that he knows exactly what he's doing? LOL
After the extremely long walk, we got some takeout Italian food and drove back to my place. Tim scarfed down his food and went home. I took Doggles out for his final walk-pee-poo of the night, came home and ate my food, and promptly fell asleep.
I was afraid that my legs would be sore today, because of that very long walk, but thankfully they're not! I am trail monkey, hear me screech!
This morning I spoke with Bill. He made lasagna for his coworkers, and he told me it was a hit. No surprise. He makes really good lasagna. Ugh. Now I'm craving it. Today will be stay-at-home day. I've got chores to do, homework to finish, and a little bit of work-work to do (stuff that I should have done on Friday but didn't). I was toying with the idea of walking to the movie theater to see The Devil Wears Prada, but I doubt that I'll have the time.