I know, I know. I'm two days early for a Fourth of July post. But I'm going to be out in the sticks at my brother's place for the next two days, so I'm posting this early.
I spent the last three July 4s with Bill at his loft. His apartment balcony had an awesome view of the downtown San Jose fireworks show. The last two July 4s, we hosted small get-togethers at his place and had some friends over so they could enjoy the show with us. Good times, good times.
Now that I'm all by my lonesome, I was a bit blue that this was gonna be a different Fourth, for obvious reasons. But thankfully my mother came up with this idea that she and I should go visit my brother this holiday weekend. Yippe! A distraction!
So tomorrow, after her eye doctor appointment, mom and I (along with Snorty McDoggelsson, of course) will drive over to Elk Grove and spend Monday and Tuesday at my brother's place. I don't think that we'll actually stay there until the fireworks show, because that would mean we won't get back into San Jose until midnight.
I've already told my brother to buy tickets for Superman Returns. He also said he's gonna take us to some kind of fun place for dinner. Should be fun.
After that, it'll be back to work on Wednesday. Then on Thursday I'm on call.
Kill. Me. Now.