I have to say that I really love Lea Salonga's voice. And I think that she did a really good job of singing (and emotionally interpreting) Eponine, especially with the song "On My Own." That fact that her rendition of the song was tinged with a bit of anger and bitterness made it ring a little bit more true. Unrequited love brings not just sadness and longing but also some bile, after all.
Michael Ball, as always, takes my breath away with his singing. His voice is so powerful and expressive. The fact that he's not bad at all to look at (despite being a bit of a chub) is a nice bonus.
And, just like when I first saw Les Miz on Broadway many years ago and saw him as Jean Valjean, Colm Wilkinson moved me to tears with his rendition of "Bring Him Home". Not tears tears this time around, mind you... my eyes just got misty. I'm not that big of a wuss. I don't know. He has the voice of an angel, I tell you! Absolutely fantastic. And the song is really, really poetic.
God on high, hear my prayer
In my need, You have always been there
He is young, he's afraid
Let him rest, heaven blessed
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home
He's like the son I might have known
if God had granted me a son
The summers die one by one
How soon they fly, on and on
And I am old
And will be gone
Bring him peace, bring him joy
He is young
He is only a boy
You can take, You can give
Let him be, let him live
If I die, let me die
Let him live
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home...