- I drink way too much Coke everyday. In fact, I drink half a glass just before I go to bed every night.
- I can't sleep with socks on, but I can sleep with socks and shoes on.
- I love to sing, but I HATE singing when others can hear me.
- If I hope to do anything productive when I'm at home, I have to turn the TV off. If it's on, it hypnotizes me and I will inevitably end up on the sofa, staring at it.
- I spend far too much time on the web, sometimes at the expense of adequate sleep.
- I brush my tongue till I gag.
- I hate confrontation of any sort.
- Bill and Devon are my babies. *grin*
I got tagged...
... by April. I guess I'm supposed to list 8 facts about myself. I'm too tired to think clearly, though. I just stood in line at the UPS depot to claim what I thought was a package from Amazon, but which turned out to be a stupid little promo packet sent via UPS 2-day Air by this hard-sell financial adviser guy. Ugh. Anyway...