I was breaking in a new pair of hiking boots - Danner 453 GTXes, which I saw rated as a Best Buy in Bill's Backpacker magazine. The boots worked great. They were very comfortable from the start, completely waterproof yet still breathable, and they provided great traction. Our trails ran the gamut from packed earth to caked mud, loose pebbles, wet but firm, and on to extremely gooey and muddy. And, this being a hike with Bill, we inevitably went bushwhacking as well, so we clambered up steep slopes covered with dry grass and loose earth.
Mission Peak is the highest point in the Fremont Hills. From there you can see all the way from San Jose to the south to San Francisco to the north. Actually, I didn't believe Bill when he said you could see SF from up there, but it turns out he was right.
Yesterday wasn't a totally clear day. There was a slight haze all across the valley floor and up the Peninsula. I'm not sure if it was smog or just the marine layer, but either way the SF skyline was a bit blurry in the distance.
On the way up we saw cows along the trails. They were walking freely around the park and grazing everywhere. The cattle dog in Devon was apparently awakened, because everytime we got near cows he went into his stalking mode, crouching low to the ground and walking very slowly. The cows seemed to sense it, too, because they kept a wary eye on the dog while completely ignoring us humans.
We also saw birds of prey riding the thermals along with paragliders, hang gliders, and glider gliders. :)

Now my right knee hurts. Am not sure why. I didn't fall and I didn't twist it. Must be just some kind of strain.
But that's okay. Got to spend a great day outdoors with Slobberdog and Bill. Finally got a cool geocoin that I have been wanting. Also got another cool geocoin as well as a new pin for my backpack.
Good hike.