My new Nikon D70s arrived yesterday! I'm a happy camper. The UPS guy came just as Bill arrived for dinner. He thinks it's funny that I am sooo excited about a camera. "You are definitely Asian," he said. Bah! I have a new toy! I have a new toy!
The manual is 5 billion pages long and - true to Nikon form - very poorly written and organized. I guess I have to run to Barnes & Noble a bit later to get me a Magic Lantern Guide for this camera. Yup! Must do that today! The Iceland trip is only 7 days away!
By the way... who else is about to go insane about gasoline prices? My neighborhood Chevron station wanted $3.199/gal for premium yesterday. Today I drove past on the way to the supermarket and saw that they are charging $3.399!!! T W E N T Y C E N T S in one day! Fuggity fudgy freakin' fuck!
:::Random photo of the day:::