So what can I tell you about him? Let's see...
I have a doggie! Woo-hoo!!! Yippee!!!
- He's a cattle dog - labrador retriever mix (at least that's the consensus so far... between his vet, the shelter, and the doggie daycare people)
- He's about 18 months to two years old
- Very smart, but can be stubborn sometimes
- He has mild separation anxiety, so I had to crate train him, but it's not so bad and it just makes him all the more loyal and affectionate
- This dog runs F A S T!!! Maybe it's the cattle dog herding instinct in him!
- He is very friendly with other dogs, although sometimes he can get carried away with his playfulness. He's a little coward with big dogs that bark, though.
- Hardly ever barks. Almost never. Yippee!!
- Sheds like a motherfucker. Wherever he goes it's like a big hair bomb exploded. Hopefully it's just because he's shedding his winter coat right now.
- He's a total treat whore. Extremely responsive and eager to please when he knows you have a treat in your hand.
- Knows that any food on the dining or coffee table is off-limits. He will sniff and sniff and sniff but won't steal the food. Good boy!
- Knows "sit", "lay down", "shake hands", "come", and, most importantly, "NO".
- Has one major and highly annoying neurosis: He will NOT poop or pee on-leash anywhere except for one place: a dog run that's 1.1 miles away from my apartment. On normal, dry days this isn't a problem, because walking him there and back is my exercise. The big problem with it is when the rains come. His little toilet spot becomes a freakin' mud pool, so I have to go through this whole rigmarole of taking him there, finding a dry spot, cleaning the mud and yuck off his paws and drying him up before I can let him back in the car and the apartment. Ugh! Why can't this silly dog poop where I tell him to poop???
- Of course, the upside of the above is that Devon can "hold it" better than any dog I have ever seen! Which means no accidents at home! Yay!!!
I have a doggie! Woo-hoo!!! Yippee!!!